D/ISCLOSED Facts - Selected is about beautiful nude, naked art images from models and photographers around the world, focusing on artistic, creative content that stimulates the imagination, while promoting a positive message about the body, human form and sexuality.

We feature beauty, nude content and photography such in an artistic style the kind you might find showcased in a gallery, magazine or hanging as artwork. Our main focus is nude, the odd, out there, expressing nudity in a free way and will consider photography that do show the beauty of the naked body. (We do not in any way showcase portray graphic of sexual acts, close ups of genitals, violence, mutiliation or anything similar).

“Do not plan anything. Just feel what is natural,”

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Weekly insights and curated content right to your inbox with the most exclusive beauty, naked art photography. Get to know selected models and more. Subscribe to get full access to exclusively selected content. Never miss an update.

By subscribing, you support our team of effort to offer you more beautiful hand-picked content, help us bring alive our upcoming bi-annual magazine and all above to contribute to the growth and passion of every model, photographer or creative that works close to us. Thank you.

NOTE: We do not sell photography nor claim that the content presented it is ours. We curate and showcase the best selected works by models, photographers, content creators, promoting with credit to the owners and those involved.

The original content that is made or created by us D/F as DISCLOSED Facts, will be highlighted as D/F Created/Exclusive over all content and publications.

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Naked ART, BEAUTY, LOVE and culture. Creative content that stimulates the imagination, while promoting a positive message about the body, human form and sexuality. (18+)


Exclusive online content, we’re ahead of sharing with you some of the greatest FACTS of Naked ART, SEX, LOVE and culture.